Animations: child development and developmental disability

Download and use these animated videos from ICED on child developmental and developmental disability, with versions in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The first of these videos provides information on child development across different domains and considers how this...

Motivation: Making sure nobody is left behind during lockdown

Before COVID-19 reached their countries, disabled people and their families in India and countries in Africa already faced isolation and stigma. But everyday challenges – like discrimination, limited healthcare, lack of wheelchairs, few opportunities for work –now...

Running safe groups

Is the intervention essential? Will the children deteriorate without the input? Young children with developmental disabilities particularly severe disabilities are at risk of deterioration without ongoing input and support. Those particularly at risk would be those...

Togetherness and Belonging module launch

We are excited to share with you the ‘togetherness and belonging’ module!Developed together with families of children with disabilities, health and community workers, disabled persons organisations, researchers and educationalists – it has been a...