Where we work

With an aim to help improve the lives of children with developmental disabilities and their families, we are closely linked to several international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the majority of our research is undertaken in low- and middle-income countries.

Our programmes include:


Funded by CBM, the Hambisela programme, involving 14 parent groups in rural villages, ran from June 2011 to December 2012. Using a process of action research (research conducted while actively participating in change), we continually adapted our materials to the local context, in order to identify what was most acceptable and relevant to the families concerned. The resulting content forms GTKCP (Getting to Know Cerebral Palsy).  


In partnership with Fiocruz and the Federal University of Bahia (UFBa), we adapted GTKCP for families affected by the ZIKA virus. After assessing the feasibility and acceptability of delivering Juntos in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, we explored the use of mothers as facilitators and the engagement of fathers. The project runs from April 2017 – December 2021 and is funded by the Wellcome Trust and DFID.


Funded by The Wellcome Trust, the Spanish version of Juntos has been created in collaboration with the Secretary of Departmental Health of the Valley of Cauca. The pilot programme began in April 2019 and will finish in December 2021.


A pre-post evaluation of this programme took place between Feb 2015 – July 2016, and involved 75 children and their families. The programme was implemented by The Presbyterian Church of Ghana, and funded by the CBM.


Baby Ubuntu has been implemented in 2 districts (10 health centres) in Eastern Rwanda in partnership with Partners in Health and the Rwandan Ministry of Health. In 2019 over 100 families access the programme. The hope is to scale up the implementation of the programme in more districts in Rwanda in 2021/22.


The Baby Ubuntu/ Early Intervention Programme was developed and piloted in Uganda in 2015/6 in partnership with Mulago Hospital and the MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit and funded by the Research Foundation of Cerebral Palsy Alliance. A feasibility trial was conducted in 2018 in central Uganda (in partnership with Kiwoko Hospital & Adara Development) and funded by Saving Brains, Grand Challenges Canada; showing the programme to be feasible and acceptable. The programme has been rolled out across western Uganda in partnership with the Kyaninga Child Development Centre in Fort Portal and funded by the Tropical Health Education Trust. During 2021/ 22 we hope to further expand the roll out of the programme in Central and Eastern Uganda.

GET IN TOUCH: for more information on our research or facilitator programmes, please get in touch via the contact form.