The Obuntu bulamu training manuals are part of the Obuntu bulamu intervention, which aims to improve inclusion of children with disabilities in schools, homes, and communities. The manuals were developed and designed by a Ugandan team of children with disabilities, parents, teachers, education and rehabilitation specialists, artists, and researchers. The manuals aim to increase knowledge and skills and promote inclusion of children with disabilities in schools, home, and their communities through a peer to peer support approach.
Research has shown the Obuntu bulamu intervention can improve inclusion and participation of children with disabilities.
To download the manuals from the Obuntu Bulamu programme,
you will first need to register on the resources page.
Training manuals and materials
Training manuals and materials
- Elèves - Manuel de formateur
- Elèves - Matériel de formation
- Parents - Manuel de formateur
- Parents - Matériel de formation distribuer
- Parents - Manuel des participants
- Parents - Matériel de formation affichage
- Enseignants - Manuel de formateur
- Enseignants - Matériel de formation distribuer
- Enseignants - Manuel des participants
- Enseignants - Matériel de formation affichage